Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hoeing and mulching

I had to stop weeding last year due to an injury, and there is a massive amount of weed seed in the garden.   The sensible thing to do would have been to turn it all under and plant a couple of green manures this year, but we need the veggies.   So, I'm spending a lot of time hoeing and mulching.

I still don't know if the lambs quarters (a weed) are going to win.   So far, they are sitting up in the gallery and laughing at me.   They have high, squeaky voices, and are getting on my nerves.

A friend noted that the lambs quarters are edible.   They should try to remember that.

Part of bed #1

Bed #1 - broccoli, onions, rutabaga, beets, cucumber, lettuce, etc.

Part of bed #2
Bed #2 - potatoes, beans, some squash, more onions, etc.

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