Sunday, August 20, 2017

Mulch hay beds and green beans

This is a re-building year for the hay beds, after having to "let them go" last year.   I just finished three long beds.  

Given we're rebuilding, the layout is changing to one that makes it easier to mow, and gives winter squash vines more room to grow.

The beds in these pictures are 6 ft wide and 65 to 70 feet long.   They will sit this year, and some of the winter squash will be here next year.

In the two smaller beds I turned and planted this spring (not pictured), fewer weeds came up than in my regular in-ground beds.  That was a surprise.  Maybe the seed rotted?  I'll have to try this again.

August is string bean season.  I have blanched about 40 pounds of beans for the freezer.   But, we got a new chest freezer recently, so next year I may do more.   They are so much better than frozen beans from the market, in the winter.