Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Garden update

Beds # 1 and #2 with recently added mulch
We had a couple of days without rain before yesterday.   The veggie beds were too wet to plant on the first day, and marginal on the second.  With more rain in the forecast, I planted yesterday anyway.

Only could work about 2.5 hours.   During that time, I put in some more onion seedlings, all the winter and summer squash seedlings, rutabaga seeds, and a bit of onion and spinach seed.   Then, I cut and added more grass clippings for mulch.

Roses on the front lawn
I had to quit because my shoulder hurt too much.  Shoot.   Would have been nice to get in the rest of the onion seedlings.   But, I'm more worried about finishing up the old sheep (shearing, etc.) now that my shoulder is sore.   Maybe will be better tomorrow.

I shear the sheep by hand, a little at a time, since there are only two old sheep here now, a ewe and a wether.   It isn't difficult, unless have a sore shoulder.   I work on them early in the morning, while it is cool.   Most of the wool is off their backs and sides now, so they are not too hot.

The remaining ewe is chronically lame, and short of breath, so I only do a very little with her at one time.   She has not gone off her feed.

I had planned to put this ewe down last fall, but then the other ewe got killed by coyotes.   So, that left only two sheep, one ewe and one wether.  Need to figure out how to handle the last wether this fall.

I don't want to put down the ewe and leave him alone, as sheep do not do well alone.  But, I don't think this ewe will make it through another winter. 

For all her maladies, the ewe is patient and easy to handle.   Her name is Sparrow, and she was one of a set of triplet ewes from a tall and patient ewe named Chloe.  Chloe loved to eat dandelions.

The roses bloomed yesterday.

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