Friday, June 19, 2009


We now have a little bit of very green hay in the barn, requiring lots of monitoring. Lost most of the hay we cut to rain. Things we learned: (1) hyraulics can do a lot of damage quickly; (2) we need a fourth day to get the hay cured to where we want it, or we need more sun, or we need to ted or flip with rake again or something; (3) we can get about X many bales from a doubled windrow Y long; (4) shouldn't cut more than can reasonably bale under given conditions; (5) the bobolinks won't make it, because we need to cut more hay. They seem to be using the driest part of the hayfield for nest(s), which makes sense, and that is where we need to cut more hay. Lovely, musical, amazing flyers, which I don't want to run over with a mower. Wonder if they will come back next year.

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