Saturday, December 12, 2015

In spite of the hail this season

Some of the onions in storage

George and I put up extra hay.   Thanks to everyone who bought hay from us!   They hay is crucial to keeping the farm going.

After the hail storm, the kitchen plots came back better than one might have hoped.   The unusually long growing season allowed some plants to recover.

There are plenty of onions for winter.  Some winter squash hit by hail developed rot spots.  But, once the plants recovered, new squash emerged.

There are lots of packages of string beans, sliced summer squash, and broccoli florets in the freezer, along with bags of hot peppers, and a small bag of processed horse radish.   George keeps advocating for more peppers and horse radish in the food.

I kept a few sugar pumpkins for cooking experiments.

Fresh carrots and potatoes are in the root cellar.

Three varieties of garlic were planted this fall, and George asked if I wanted more raised beds made.

Looking forward to next year!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Glad some plants survived the hail! Homemade horseradish sounds amazing!! I look forward to when we have our own yard here in Alaska and can create raised beds. I love our long growing season here.
