Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wind, wet, and poop on the noggin

We were visited by a big wind this weekend, which kept going hard through Monday.    The wind hit the cedar tree windbreak behind the barn, bounced off, and ran up against the long wall of the barn, shooting skyward, as well as straight into the sheep pen through two small windows that don't close.

There was a big drift in a corner of the pen, several inches within 10 feet of the windows, and 3 to 4 inches up on the rafters!

Good news is that the back half of the sheep pen stayed dry.   The old wether sheep slept in the back.   The old eye kept to her normal favorite sleeping spot up front, and got covered with snow.   With all her wool, she is fine.

I'm just back in the house from working to dig the snow out of the pen.   Got most of the deepest stuff out, and took about 10 inches of hay out of the top of the feeder (it all needs to come out).   Also started forking out wet bedding.   More needs to come out tomorrow.

My back is sore!   I guess this is the official "starting to get in shape for spring" exercise.

I was digging while melting snow was dripping off the rafters on to my  head.   About half way through it occurred to me how much barn swallow poop was on those rafters.   Yuck!!   Now have cleaner rafters, but a dirtier noggin.

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