Friday, August 7, 2015


Pic 1.  Stormy sky to west

We had a couple of days of stormy weather recently.  At right is a picture of a storm that rolled in on August 4th, in the afternoon.

On August 5, we had a very similar afternoon storm, but with the addition of hail.   The hail lasted less than a minute, and was not particularly large.  But, it did an amazing amount of damage to the kitchen vegetable gardens.
Pic 2.  Part of Bed #2, before the hail

Picture #2 is of part of Bed #2, a few days ago before the storms.  Three rows of onions are on the right edge, all standing up nice and straight. 
Pic. 3.  Onions, after the hail
The last picture is of some onions after the hail storm on August 5.      We normally put enough onions in the cellar to last us well into the spring, so it would be unfortunate to lose all of these.

Almost everything in the kitchen gardens is affected to some degree by the hail storm.   

On the bright side, today there are three or four big heads of broccoli ready to pick and blanch for the freezer, zucchini bread with walnuts and chocolate cooling on the kitchen counter, and someone dropping by to buy a bit of hay.

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